Herbs in January
/Winter is the quietest season for harvesting herbs, and it should always be done in moderation as plants grow a lot slower this time of the year, but you can still have your fix of fresh herbs.
Read MoreWinter is the quietest season for harvesting herbs, and it should always be done in moderation as plants grow a lot slower this time of the year, but you can still have your fix of fresh herbs.
Read MoreRose hips are a wonderful source of vitamin C and are a brilliant fruit to help the body defend itself from infections. You will find them growing wild in hedgerows, thickets and wasteland so they are an easy herb to forage for.
Read MoreNow that most plants are going into hibernation for the winter, the fact that Calendulas flower throughout the year is more apparent than ever. Enjoy those lovely petals in teas, salads and soups.
Evergreen perennials like rosemary, sage and bay can also still be harvested in moderation.
Read MorePlants are entering their dormant state now. We can see trees dropping their leaves and herbaceous plants starting to die back, but all plants, even if looking lush and green, are starting to slow right down. So, although it’s ok to still harvest from evergreens like rosemary, thyme and sage, do it in moderation, as they won’t be actively growing over the next few months.
Read MoreThe berry season continues with some rose hips, hawthorn, and sloes still around.
Keep an eye out for mature seed heads, and save them either for consumption or for planting next year. Remember that in the wild, many plants rely on their dropped seeds for propagation, so if foraging, be mindful of how much you’re taking.
Read MoreSeptember is a great time for berries, like rosehips, sloes, haws and juniper berries. Whether you have them growing in your garden, or fancy going out for a forage, this is the time to collect these little wonders.
While out foraging, also look out for hops, nettle seeds and other wild herbs. Some of the spring herbs have a second flush of young growth around now, so you might come across things like chickweed, three cornered leek and white deadnettle.
In the garden, enjoy lots of fresh leafy herbs like mint, sage, oregano and thyme, as their harvest season will be over soon.
Violas (violets, pansies, heartsease) are in full flower at the moment, use them in salads, desserts, teas, syrups and other creative preparations.
Read MoreAugust arrives with a spell of cooler weather, some much needed rain and a bounty of herby delights.
Read MoreThe height of summer is here and with it comes an abundance of herbs from both cultivated plots or gardens and the wild spaces that surround us.
This is the peak of the harvesting season, with intense new growth all around.
Carry on harvesting leaves like mint, oregano, rosemary, thyme, savoury, basil, parsley, coriander, chervil, fennel and bay, and flowers like calendula, chamomile, st. john's wort and lavender. marshmallow has started flowering, so now is the perfect time to harvest the flowers and young leaves. Borage is also in full bloom! Add the flowers to salads, decorate cakes, or use them to make the prettiest ice cubes ever.
Lemon balm's aromatic properties are a lot less noticeable once it starts flowering. Depending on how hard you have been harvesting from your plant, it might have already flowered or will start flowering anytime now. Once it starts, stop harvesting and let it do its thing. The wildlife around you will be grateful.
This is also a time of abundance in the wild: mallow continues to flower, and some of our summer favourites have come into season, including yarrow, mugwort and meadowsweet. Nettle seeds will soon be ripe and ready for picking too. Eat them fresh as a nutritious snack, add them to food, or dry for later use.
Incorporate as many fresh herbs as possible into your food. Make herbal drinks like cordials, ice teas, or even herbal ice lollies. If you have plenty to harvest from, keep some for later in the year. Drying is a simple way to preserve herbs, that then can be used in teas, in cooking, or in the making of other herbal preparations.
A great idea we will try this summer is nettle seed salt: harvest the seeds as soon as they look ripe, lay them on a piece of fabric or tissue paper and place in an airy cupboard to dry for a couple of days, mix the seeds with an equal amount of sea salt, and voila, you've got an extremely nutritious addition to table salt. If you prefer fine salt, just put the mix in a blender and pulse a few times to break it down to a finer texture.
Trim established perennial plants like lovage and sage after they have flowered. Pruning plants after flowering helps to maintain an attractive shape and encourages lots of new growth.
Keep an eye out for any signs of disease or pest damage. It is much easier to help your plants recover when these things are noticed early on. A couple of potential troublemakers to watch out for are aphids on a variety of plants; celery leaf miner on parsley, celery and lovage; and rosemary beetles on rosemary, lavender and sage.
Watering is very important in the summer: not only does the soil dry out quicker, but the plants also require extra moisture to sustain all new growth they have been putting on. Without enough water, plants get stressed and therefore more prone to bolting, diseases and pest attacks, so make sure to keep your plants hydrated. This is even more important when it comes to plants in pots or containers, that can dry out in a matter of hours on a sunny summer day. An easy way to ensure your potted plants have access to enough water to keep them going is to place them in a dish or tray filled with water, so they soak it up from below.
There is still time to sow annual herbs now and enjoy them this season. Go for fast growing plants like basil, dill, coriander, nasturtium and borage, and you should have a nice harvesting window before the first frost hits in autumn.
Now it is also a great time to sow hardy biennials like parsley and chervil. Direct sow in a sheltered spot to get a supply of fresh leaves during the winter months.
July is peak harvest time... all the work we’ve put into the garden this year is beginning to show and we’re enjoying the beauty and abundance of nature.
In what areas of your life have you put a lot of thought, time and effort into this year? Are there any particular relationships, jobs or parts of yourself you have been working hard on? Where can you now harvest the fruits by taking a step back and acknowledging how far you’ve come and what you’ve learnt?
We live in a fast paced culture where the focus is on constant growth, so we often forget to take time to harvest, to acknowledge the insights we’ve gained and celebrate what we’ve accomplished. A wonderful quote to consider while harvesting this month... ‘remember when you wanted what you currently have?’
Word Camila B & Amy B
Aromatherapy is the name used to describe the use of essential oils for remedial and therapeutic purposes, of which there are many! Like herbs, one of the amazing benefits of aromatherapy is the holistic effect it has on both the mind and body - as the healing qualities of the oils impact the physical body, the scent interacts with us mentally.
All essential oils come from all different plant sources - spices, herbs, flowers, trees or vegetables. They are completely natural, organic compounds aptly named ‘essential’ due to the fact they contain both the scent of their source and its unique healing properties, in a highly concentrated form. Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils can be incorporated into daily life in a variety of ways, much like the versatility of herbs!
Inhalation: either in an oil burner, electric diffuser or even directly from a tissue. A steam inhalation is also a great way to relieve colds and coughs and clear any sinus congestion.
In the bath or shower: You can add up to 20 drops of your chosen essential oils to a warm bath for the desired effect; to promote restful sleep, soothe aching muscles, invigorate and energise, help period pain and stomach ache or even ease a hangover. If you don’t have a bath, you could mix essential oils with a base vegetable oil (like coconut oil) and apply it to your body before getting in the shower.
As a body treatment: Similarly, you can dilute essential oils in a carrier oil and use as a daily hydration treatment or skin moisturiser. For a 50ml face oil, use 12-15 drops and for a 50ml body oil, 25-30 drops.
Massage: While an aromatherapy massage from a professional therapist is a wonderful indulgence, self-massage is an incredible way to feel the benefits of essential oils at home for free. You can personalise the oils you use to enhance your mood or relieve areas of tension. Taking just 5 minutes (or more whenever you can!) to mindfully massage your feet, hands, face or area requiring attention will allow you to unwind both mentally and physically.
Top 5 essential oils to have at home and their key uses:
Lavender. Certainly the oil that almost everyone is familiar with, Lavender has extensive uses for health, wellbeing and first aid. It can be applied direct to the skin and can be used topically to treat minor burns, acute sunburn, cuts, insect bites and blemishes. A must have for every household, it is one powerful oil. Renowned for its relaxing, soothing properties, it can help you get to sleep, relax aching muscles, relieve period pain, headaches and migraines, and can be used to soothe stress, anxiety and depression. Like the plant, there are many types of lavender oil and it can be produced in many countries as it grows pretty much everywhere, although France is generally considered the best source for quality lavender essential oil.
Tea Tree. Another valuable oil with a multitude of uses, tea tree has been used for centuries and you’ll often spy it as an ingredient in everything from bathroom cleaner to face cream to throat medicine. Commonly grown in Australia, it is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic and can fight pretty much any kind of bacteria, virus or fungi. Tea tree can also be applied directly to heal cuts and wounds and treat skin infections, and it is brilliant for acne and spots. You can diffuse it around the home or office to ward off illness or inhale to treat a cold or cough. Tea tree is also a useful oil in homemade shampoo or hair products.
Peppermint. The essential oil has many of the same properties as the herb itself. Generally it is best to avoid consumption of any essential oils and stick to the herb form for tea and culinary recipes but the oil has plenty of beneficial use. The stimulating oil has a cooling effect - apply to the forehead and temples to prevent or aid travel sickness, and massage in circular motions to the stomach to treat bloating, PMS or nausea. For tired feet and legs, it’s great in a homemade foot bath with some epsom salt. It can also be used alone or in combination with lavender to alleviate headaches - particularly tension headaches or those brought on from stress. It has fantastic antispasmodic properties, so works wonders on muscle and joint pain - great post exercise. Inhaling it can also clear the sinuses and even help with hayfever or seasonal allergies.
Lemon. Probably the most commonly used out of the citrus oils, this is another ingredient you’ll often see used frequently in household products. Lemon is perhaps best known for its cleansing abilities - from clearing out toxins in the body to naturally cleaning a kitchen! It is also naturally energising, and great as a mood booster when you’re feeling drained, mentally or physically. It’s a highly effective oil for concealing bad smells such as smoke or animals in the home or car. Use alone or with tea tree in an oil burner or diffuser, as an antibacterial room freshener or you could make your own cleaning spray. Like herbs, there are a variety of lemon oils out there. ‘Melissa’ AKA lemon balm, is one of the most powerful oils in treating depression, due to its simultaneously hypnotic and sedative properties.
Rosemary. Again with similar properties to the herb, rosemary oil is praised for its ability to improve memory, soothe digestion and relax muscle aches and pains. It’s also a great oil for hair as it promotes growth and imparts shine. Applied directly to the scalp, it stimulates growth and can also soothe dandruff and dry scalp. For shiny hair, you can make your own rosemary water to spray the hair daily or rinse it with rosemary oil after washing. You could even make your own shampoo and conditioner. Rosemary is one of the best oils for treating a hangover! Add 5-10 drops to a warm bath the morning after the night before for a little pick-me-up.
June is a pretty magical time of the year, the days are really long, plants grow at an astounding rate and there's an explosion of colour as flowers of the most diverse shapes and shades come into season.
Plants in the mint family like lemon balm, oregano, and all types of mint can be harvested pretty hard and will quickly grow back, so don't be afraid to do it regularly. Lavender has started flowering and the first blossoms should be ready to harvest soon, so keep an eye out. The best time to harvest lavender is when about 75% of the flowers on the blooms are open.
Keep on harvesting pot marigold and chamomile flowers regularly. The more flowers you remove, the more the plant will produce. Harvest the unripe seeds of sweet cicely. They are delicious in teas, cold infusions, or simply as a refreshing treat to chew on. st. john's wort is traditionally picked around St John's day on 24th June, so look out for those precious yellow flowers towards the end of the month.
Another medicinal flower that should be ready to harvest from mid June is linden, also known as limeflower. The linden tree is considered sacred and an important icon in the mythology and folklore of many cultures. The flowers have an array of health benefits and are widely used in herbalism.
Other lovely flowers to harvest in June are rose, lady’s mantle and honeysuckle. Feverfew is also in full bloom at the moment. Although the part used is actually the leaf, it is best harvested when the plants are flowering. Try to never take more than one third of the plant at a time, so it can recover and stay healthy.
And don't forget you can use your weeds! Now it is a good time to collect plantain leaves, blackberry leaves, horsetail, and mallow flowering tops. Nettles have started flowering, so it's no longer a good idea to consume the leaves, but we will soon be able to harvest the seeds.
Use the abundance of wonderful plants growing at the moment in food, fresh teas, cold infusions, herb vinegars and other herb extracts, and dry some for use later in the year when there's less fresh stuff around.
Now that the weather has warmed up, it's a great time to make sun-infused oils. Why not try infusing pot marigold or st john's wort flowers in oil for use in balms and other skin products? Simply put the flowers in a jar, cover with your oil of choice, and leave it on a sunny windowsill for four weeks to infuse.
Now it is the perfect time to take softwood cuttings of perennial herbs, like mint, lemon balm, thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano and lemon verbena. It is also a great time to cut back chive plants. Once they have finished flowering, cut back to about an inch above the soil level, keep them watered and they’ll bounce back with tender new shoots.
Make sure your plants have enough water throughout the warm season, especially those growing in pots, where the soil dries out much quicker. The best time to water is early morning or late afternoon when the plants are not in direct sun.
Put a bowl of fresh water out in your garden to serve as a birdbath and supply drinking water for birds and insects. This can help our little wild friends cope with the heat of the summer days.
If last year you grew plants that self-seed easily, some areas of your garden or pots might be a bit overcrowded at the moment. Transplant some of the plants to another location or pot them on to give to friends. And in the same way that the plants we want to harvest are putting on a lot of new growth, so are all sorts of other weeds. Keep on top of them to avoid overcrowding and competition for water and nutrients in your pots and herb beds.
Sow annual and/or fast growing herbs like basil, shiso, dill, summer savoury, parsley and coriander. Coriander tends to bolt quickly when grown this time of the year, but although you get a short harvest window for the leaves, the flowers and seeds that follow are also great! There's also still time to sow seeds for edible and medicinal flowers like borage, pot marigold, zinnia, viola, sunflowers and nasturtiums.
The garden is also a wonderful reflection of what’s going on in our lives; herbs aren’t the only things that grow and blossom, we do too! Here are some questions to consider around how June can be used to support your body, heart and mind alongside your pots, plots and gardens this month:
Lots of new, colourful, abundant growth is coming through this month, what can be celebrated in your life? What joys do you have? Bigger ones and smaller everyday ones? Could there be something new to take joy in? Noticing the smell of fresh blossom on your way to work? Spotting the elderflower in bloom from the train?
We have sown seeds for the last few months and now know what has germinated and what didn’t do so well. Are there any areas of your life, work or relationships that have healthy shoots of new growth and areas that aren’t growing in the way you’d hoped? Just naming and knowing what these are can be really supportive to shifting them later in the season if change is needed.
Some herbs, like calendula and chamomile, have better harvests the more attention you give them. Are there any small acts of self care you can do to support your growth? Think tiny and do-able. Drink more water as the weather heats up? Reach for your toes regularly to stretch out your legs and back? Turn your phone off for an afternoon? Tell yourself ‘I’m doing a wonderful job at this...’ each day for a week?
June is a month of fast growth but also the time plants are settling, finding their roots and getting established. What would it be like to stop, feel your feet on the earth and take a deep breath at some point this month?
Taking a moment to stop and be in our bodies and nature makes a huge difference to our mental, emotional and physical health, which in turn will support the growth and harvest in your garden. If just one of these suggestions speaks to you try it out and, to finish with a final gardening metaphor, see what blossoms...
Words - Camila B & Amy B // Pictures - Camila B